Wednesday, 31 October 2012

My Movie

This is a movie I made on Windows Live Movie Maker. It is about students who are from China and they visited our school. This video basically describes everything we did. So I hope you like it.

Boxing Prezi

This is my prezi I did about boxing and it has handy info. We did it because we had to pick a sport. I picked boxing because they fight other people.

Monday, 29 October 2012

Co2 Cars

My class is doing Co2 cars and my one is going to be a bat mobile. I thought of it when I saw the engine. I thought it will be cool because I like batman and my gamertag on my Xbox is batmanfan77 so that is why I did it. My class has already done a draft drawing of it. I cant wait till we really make it out of wood and put the co2 engine in.  

Friday, 26 October 2012

Contract Batman Signature

This is my batman signature for my co2 car. This is for my contract as you can see I didn't get the corner right so I am sorry for that.

Week 2 Reflection

What: This week we got Monday off school because it was labour day and I got to play the update of Minecraft so that means there are enderman in the Xbox 360 version. On Thursday we did rippa rugby and I only go to hold the ball three times. Next week I think Caleb should be king of the den for being a good sport at rippa rugby.

So What: This week I am starting to learn how to paint inside the lines but I think I am improving. Also we did some paintings on Friday. I learnt how to do badminton again and how to do a proper rippa rugby game.

Now What: This week I want to get better at P.E and Handwriting. I think I have done our habit of mind because me and Anaru jumped of the from the poles that the chains are connected to but we checked if the pole could support our bodies.

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Rippa Rugby

This week we did rippa rugby, there is me with the red jersey and there is my best friend in the other photo. Anyway our class learnt how to do this thing called  playing the piano it is some kind of catch that when you throw you are ready to catch. It really helps. We also learnt how to do this thing called the dance I think it is for when the other person tries to get a try, you do the dance and that prevents the person from getting a try.

Friday, 19 October 2012

My Holiday

Finally the holidays are here now I can do the most exciting thing ever playing video games and sitting on a very comfortable couch and the game I am playing is minecraft. It was a very sunny day that day you could see my tree from there but I wasn't really looking at it because I was too busy playing minecraft.

Week 1 Reflection

What: This week on Thursday we played rippa rugby. It was fun. I liked the bit when we we had to get the ball to the other side and I liked when I had to make sure the opponent did not get there ball to the goal. Also this week we also did some art. Mrs Larsen gave us all 8 pieces of paper then we had to name them all. Next we got our art shirts on and then the paint. Mrs Larsen gave us instructions and we made art. We are also making these co2 cars, mine is the batmobile. The new habit is my favourite one. I think I have already done it because when me and Anaru where in the tress we had to jump there from another branch for our free running challenge. We both thought we would break our bones but we checked the branch was safe and secure then we jumped and we made it.

So What:  This week we learnt about geometry. We had to make a picture out of shapes. My picture is me playing the original Mario and we had to do these 2 sheets. We edited them on the mat. 

Now What: This week I want to get better at listening and to not be so lazy. 

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Geometry Lesson

We did geometry and we made pictures out of shapes and my one is me playing the original Mario.